Ever since I can remember, I have wanted to teach. I love learning and was always curious about the way the world worked. These two basic joys come together for me in my role as professor. Through teaching, I get to share my love of learning with others and work to help students learn what they need to be successful in their own careers. I believe in the ability of people to learn any subject, skill, or trade they want and that a good teacher can help this process by supporting students along the way. I enjoy explaining new concepts and love seeing when it suddenly clicks for a student. You can see the joy in their face and their newfound ability to ask truly insightful questions. It is this passion that I bring to the classroom, to my laboratory, and to the many outreach and service activities that I engage in.
- Faculty Excellence Award for Teaching, College of Engineering, 2019
- Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) Mentoring Award, 2018
- Champion for Student Success, University of Iowa, 2017
- Excellence in Teaching and Dedication to Student Success Award, College of Engineering CBE Graduating Class, 2016
- P1 (first-year class) Teacher of the Year, College of Pharmacy, 2013
In my latest of endeavors, I am conducting a research study on the impact of interactive ethics modules on student engagement and decision making. This work is supported by the Gerard P. Weeg and John M. Liittschwager Fund for Engineering Ethics.

Engineering Courses
- CBE:5740 Engineering Principles of Drug Delivery (upper undergrad / grad course)
- CBE:5300 Drug Delivery Devices (co-taught with Prof. Eric Nuxoll; upper undergrad / grad course))
- CBE:5105/5104 Introduction to Literature Review and Proposal/Technical Writing (grad course)
- CBE:3109 Fluid Flow (previously CBE:3110 Engineering Flow and Heat Exchange; undergrad course)
- CBE:2105 Process Calculations (co-taught with Prof. Julie Jessop and Dr. Beth Rundlett; undergrad course)
- ENGR:1100 Engineering Problem Solving I: Discussion/Lab Sections (first year undergrad course)
- CBE:1000 Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Departmental Seminar (first year undergrad course)
Pharmacy Courses
- 46:237 Transport Phenomena (co-taught with Prof. Douglas Flanagan)
- 46:110/46:238 Drug Delivery I (4 weeks)
- 46:111/46:239 Drug Delivery II (2 weeks)
- 46:123 Pharmaceutics I: Solutions (5 weeks)
- 46:012 Survey of Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences (co-taught with Prof. David Roman)